Deluxe Model - Solar - Timer Operated

Deluxe Model - Solar - Timer Operated

from $539.95


  • Door (with motor mounted)

  • Timer

  • Battery

  • Solar Panel

  • Trim Kits

  • Mounting Hardware

  • Instructions

This unit is very similar to our Automatic Chicken Coo Door Premium Kit (Timer Operated) if you were want to compare looks. This will be the same wood housing (shell) with the added items of a battery, solar panel, digital timer. The battery (fully charged) will be good for several door cycles (we will test and have this number available for you soon). This means if you chose not to use the solar panel you can bring the battery in to charging and within an hour or two the battery would be fully charged and will run you coop door for weeks. This kit is ideal for chicken tractors that are mobile or far away from house-hold electric current.

This entire unit will have a wood access panel to cover the controls and battery to preserve it for years to come.

DIY solar kit and instructions are included.

Programming - You will have directions on how to set the timer to open and close at your specified times. The raising and lowering or the door as well and all electronic components will be preset before shipping so there is no additional programming or tinkering needed by the customer.

Installation - We are shipping unit ready to install and pre-programmed. Installation could vary between 15-45 minutes depending on coop design. Solar kit might take an additional 30+ minutes as well. The door shell will be the same as the door in our installation video so installation instructions will be the exact same as our video.

Extended Motor Warranty Years:

1 Year *Included Free

2 Year $25

3 Year $40

4 Year $60

5 Year $80

Motor Warranty Years:
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